Saturday, March 12, 2011

Congratulations to Eagle Scout Dustin St Arnaud

Dustin St Arnaud's Eagle Court of Honor with Troop 356. Left, MC Nick Winkler and right, Senior Patrol Leader Ty Armitage. Troop 356 has a tradition of having those who were on the Eagle Trail with a recipient share a story about the Eagle. It is something of a tribute and sometimes a bit of a roast, but always gives insights into the joys and rewards of Scouting. From the right, Theresa Eckloff, den leader; John Debelak, assistant Scoutmaster; Barb Dupras; Troop mom; Tran Holman, Jamboree assistant SM & Dustin's canoe partner in the Boundary waters; Scoutmaster Ricky Eckloff; Dad Dave; and Mom Lynn.

From Tiger to Eagle.
Also, congratulation to Dustin's mentor, Schlak.

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