There were Eagle Courts of Honor all across the UP this weekend. I was able to attend Rudy Mosca's presentation in the Soo with Troop 105. It was memorable with red-lipped Rudy spewing a few puns. Rudy's mentor was Scoutmaster Stan Newill.

Then on Sunday in Hessel, Patrick Duman, Charlie McConkey, and Brent Heerspink became the last of Dale Streichert's 33 Eagle Scouts.

Here is Strike with other of his Eagles who were present and presented him with a plaque listing all 33 of the Eagles earned during his tenure. Patrick's mentor was his dad who has two other Eagle Scout sons. Brent also chose his dad who had been Webelos leader for the Scouts. Charlie's mentor was his grandfather, Tony Autore, who originally brought Scouting to Cedarville.

Robbie Burrows' ceremony was in Ontonagon with Troop 209.
TJ Haferkorn of Troop 532 in Norway also had a presentation on Saturday.
Jordan Smith of Troop 360 had his Court of Honor on Sunday in Marquette. This presentation was unique in that his Eagle Scout grandfather from Ohio was able to participate by interactive television. Jordan formerly was in Troop 305 and is the last Scout who was in that troop to earn his Eagle.